Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Future Right Guard

Dentist visit

Dentist says Anna's teeth are 'perfect!'

Monday, June 18, 2007

Mark cleaning up after supper

Anna in the 'emergency' room.

We went to the doctor 'cause Anna hurt arm on the trampoline.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Tea Time!

Sharing tea and pizza in the playroom.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Like Kaylee

For some reason now after every bath Anna wants to get out of the bath "like Kaylee", her cousin. By this she means that Kaylee wraps up in a towel and walks to her room. Unlike Anna who has up until now been carried to her room.



Backyard playground

We got a slide for Mark and a trampoline for Anna. They love it! Anna hasn't stopped jumping since we bought it (save for sleeping last night). Mark is able to climb the steps to the top of the slide. Once on top he just sits there deciding if he dares let go and slide down. Eventually he does and then runs around to the steps and starts all over. Now Anna can jump and Mark can slide in the backyard or go to the park to swing and play in the sand.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Anna in sand

Afernoon at the beach

Anna and I rode the bike to a beach ten minutes from the house. The weather is beautiful. 75 and sunny with a slight breeze. The water is really shallow here. Its knee to waist deep for about 300 yards from shore so Anna can walk around and play by herself. Of course she prefers that Mommy or Poppi go with her. She loves to throw rocks in the water so we need to watch her closely or she's going to knock someone in the head. Luckily it wasn't very crowded.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Anna taking a walk

Anna and I walked to the local framing shop to pick up some supplies to hang the rest of our pictures in the house. Unfortunately today was one of the many holidays Sweden has so the place was closed. We enjoyed the walk anyway. Flowers were blooming in houses everywhere. Roses are very popular and are just now starting to bloom.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Mark chillin'

Relaxing after an afternoon at the park with sis. The weather is great at about 72 degrees with a slight breeze. This is about as warm as it gets here. We still have three whole months to enjoy this kind of weather.

Shopping in Malmo's Hansa mall

We went to Hansa in central Malmo to get Gloria's picture taken so we can apply for her Swedish ID card. Its a nice mall with all the things you would expect except for a food court which is OK since there are several places to eat outside the mall in short walking distance.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Mark running in the park

Mark loves to climb up this mound of dirt in the park and then start running down. About halfway down he starts to fall so we have to be there to spot him. It is very tiring because he can go for 30 minutes or more doing this.

Sunday, June 3, 2007